Book Cover:
Picture from T. Irwin collection.
Tuatha De Aine:
“Ireland Before the Vikings” by Gearoid Mac Niocaill and “An Illustrated History of the Irish People” by Kenneth Neill.
Picture from T. Irwin collections.
Race of Heber:
“Ireland Before the Vikings” by Gearoid Mac Niocaill… “Myth, Legend and Romance” by Dr. Daithi O Hogain.
“Celtic Gods, Celtic Goddesses” by R. J. Stewart… “Ancestral Map of Ireland” by Kane Strategic Marketing, Inc.
“Ireland in Pre-Celtic Times” by R. A. S. Mac Alister… “The Races of Ireland and Scotland” by W. C. Mac Kenzie… diagram constructed by T. Irwin.
Slioch Aine:
“Myth, Legend and Romance” by Dr. Daithi O Hogain… “Lough Gur Journal.”
(Picture adapted by T. Irwin from pictures in “The Celtic Year” by Shirley Toulson).
“A Guide to Irish Roots” by William and Mary Durning.
Ui Ainy:
“Cattle Lords and Clansmen” by Nerys Patterson…“Ireland Before the Vikings” by Gearoid Mac Niocaill.
“Cattle Lords and Clansmen” by Nerys Patterson… “The Druid Tradition” by Philip Carr-Gomm.
“An Illustrated History of the Irish People” by Kenneth Neill.
The Ciarṁac:
“Ireland Before the Normans” by Donncha Ó Corráin… “The Annals of Ireland” by The Four Masters…”Myth, Legend and Romance” by Dr. Daithi O Hogain… “The Druid Tradition” by Philip Carr-Gomm. Ciarṁac picture from T. Irwin’s photo collection.
“The Celtic Tradition” by Caitlin Matthews… “The Druid Tradition” by Philip Carr-Gomm.
“Myth, Legend and Romance” by Dr. Daithi O Hogain… ”Celtic Gods and Goddesses” by R. J. Stewart.
“Mythic Ireland” by Michael Dames.
“An Illustrated History of the Irish People” by Kenneth Neill… “Mythic Ireland” by Michael Dames.
“Celtic Gods and Goddesses” by R. J. Stewart…“The Celtic Tradition” by Caitlin Matthews.
“The Celtic Tradition” by Caitlin Matthews.
“The Druid Tradition” by Philip Carr-Gomm.
Ui Ciarṁaic (Eoghanacht Rule):
“Ireland Before the Normans” by Donncha Ó Corráin… “The Annals of Ireland” by The Four Masters… “Cattle Lords and Clansmen” by Nerys Patterson.
“The Annals of Ireland” by The Four Masters… “Early Irish and Welsh Kinship” by Charles Edwards.• “Ireland Before the Normans” by Donncha Ó Corráin.
Ui Ciarṁaic (Dalcassian Rule):
“The Annals of Ireland” by The Four Masters.
“The Annals of Ireland” by The Four Masters… “The Course of Irish History” by T. W. Moody.
“Irish Families” by Edward Mac Lysaght… “Irish Names and Surnames” by Fr. Woulfe.
O’ Ciarṁaic (Norman Rule):
“Anglo-Norman Ireland” by Michael Dolley… “Irish Names and Surnames” by Fr. Woulfe.
“Cattle Lords and Clansmen” by Nerys Patterson… “Irish Names of Places” by P. W. Joyce… “Keatings History of Ireland (Volume III) by Geoffrey Keating.
“Keatings History of Ireland (Volume I, II & III) by Geoffrey Keating.
“Irish Names and Surnames” by Fr. Woulfe.
“Ireland Before the Vikings” by Gearoid Mac Niocaill.
“Myth, Legend and Romance” by Dr. Daithi O Hogain... “Heraldic Scroll of Ireland” by Mullins of Dublin… “Martin’s Irish Surnames Company” by Robert Martin who sent me a “Page 67” of an unnamed book stating the Arms to be O’ Ciarṁaic.
“Clans and Families of Ireland” by John Grenham. “The Celtic Tradition” by Caitlin Matthews… “A Social History of Ancient Ireland” by P. W. Joyce.
Ó Ciarṁacáin (English Rule):
“The Twilight Lords” by Richard Berleth… “Seventeenth – Century Ireland” by Brendan Fitzpatrick… “Ireland a Thousand Kings” by W. L. Weir … “Historical Essays on the Kingdom of Munster” by The Mac Carthy Mor, Prince of Desmond.
“A Genealogical and Historical Map of Ireland” by Heraldic Artists, Ltd.… “The Irish Fiants of the Tudor Sovereigns” which was a government survey… “Hell or Connaught” by Peter Berresford Ellis … “Civil Survey of Ireland (1654 – 1656) which was a government survey.
“Civil Survey of Ireland” (1654 – 1656), which was a government survey.
“Census of 1659” (Index)…“Irish Families” by Edward Mac Lysaght… “Irish Names and Surnames” by Fr. Woulfe.
“Irish Names and Surnames” by Fr. Woulfe… “Regent Graphics” which is an Irish-American clothing mail order company which had an excellent explanation of Irish consonants, alphabet and pronunciation in its mail order brochure… “Irish Dialects and Irish-Speaking Districts” by Brian O’ Cuiv.
“Myth, Legend and Romance” by Dr. Daithi O Hogain (see Banshee entry).
Comment by T. Irwin and Map from “Hell or Connaught” by Peter Berresford Ellis.
“American Irish Political Education Committee” (newsletter dated June 1995)… “American Irish Political Education Committee” (newsletter dated June 1996 and December 1996)… “Irish Echo Newspaper (December 11 – 17, 1996 issue)… “Ireland” by Robert Kee… “The Great Irish Famine” which is a school curriculum book approved by the State of New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education dated September 10,1996… “Land and Popular Politics” by Donald E. Jordan, Jr.… “ Griffith’s Valuation Survey” showing original old two acre parcels.
“Timeline Ireland” by Annabel Wigner.
Irwin (Rare Munster Surname):
“American Irish Political Education Committee” (newsletter dated March 1996)… “Irish Echo Newspaper (December 11 – 17, 1996 issue)…“American Irish Political Education Committee” (newsletter dated July 1990).
“The Tithe of Ireland” (1823-1838)… “Griffith’s Valuation” (1848-1864).
“Land Owners of Ireland” (1876), which was a government survey… “Special Report on Surnames in Ireland” by Robert E. Matheson. Map and data by Edward Neafsey, the author of “Surnames of Ireland.”
(Census of Ireland 1901).
“Special Report on Surnames in Ireland” by Robert E. Matheson and Census of Ireland 1901.
Comment by T. Irwin.
(Griffith’s Valuation data plotted on map by Edward Neafsey, the author of “Surnames of Ireland”).
(A timeline compiled by T. Irwin).
Original map plotted by Edward Neafsey, author of “Surnames of Ireland,” and Irwin zone division and names inserted by T. Irwin based on data in books: “Special Report on Surnames in Ireland” by Robert E. Matheson… “Irish Families” by Edward Mac Lysaght… “Irish Names and Surnames” by Fr. Woulfe.
(Census of Ireland 1891).
“Ireland Before the Normans” by Donncha Ó Corráin.
Ó Ciarṁacáin (Irwin) DNA and Haplogroup:
A Social History of Ancient Ireland by P. W. Joyce.
Europe Between the Oceans (9000BC – AD 1000) by Barry Cunliffe• Facing the Ocean (The Atlantic and Its People) by Barry Cunliffe
The Origins of the British by Stephen Oppenheimer
Saxons, Vikings and Celts (The Genetic Roots of Britain and Ireland) by Bryan Sykes• CRO-Magnon (How the Ice Age Gave Birth to the First Modern Humans) by Brian Fagan
The Brendan Voyage by Tim Severin• Ó Ciarṁacáin (Irwin) Modal (96 markers) compiled by T. Irwin
Close Matches (Munster people) who had a tradition of Munster origins and whose DNA printouts were near matches of T. Irwin’s (YSearch DNA Database)
New Klysov paper on R1b from central Asia via multiple routes.
Website by T. R. Holme at OKOME-OKOME.SAKURA,NE.JP
KRGNZ.GIF celticowboy.com
IRELANDS dna.com
Family Tree DNA-OMahony Surname DNA Project (excerpt from Page 89 of “The Scots: A Genetic Journey.”
The phylogenealogy of R-L21: Four and a half millenia of expansion and distribution (website) by Doctor Joe Flood. THIS IS A MUST VIEW!
Holly Leaf Chronicle at Volume XXII, Fourth Quarter 2006, Number 4, See pages 20 to 22 (Discovery of unrelated Irish branches to Scottish branches) (Irwin branches of O'hEireamoin of Leinster Province & O'Ciarmacain of Munster Province).
Holly Leaf Chronicle at Volume XXIII, First Quarter, 2007, Number 1, See page 20 (Brief narrative of William "Billy" Irwin AKA Liam O'Ciarmacain).
Holly Leaf Chronicle at Volume XXIII, Second Quarter 2007, Number 2, See pages 34 to 40 (Condensed version of “The Origin and Evolution of the Surname O’ Ciarmacain (Irwin)” which is labeled as “Part One.”
Holly Leaf Chronicle at Volume XXIII, Third Quarter 2007, Number 3, See pages 29 to 35 (Condensed version of Irwin family "bumpy road" from Ireland to U.S.A.).
Note:The Holly Leaf Chronicles mentioned above are quarterly publications of the Clan Irwin Association (CIA).
McCarthy Surname (Y-DNA) Study Study - Join us: Google the preceding & then click "SNP R-A541 (Irish Type II) & then scroll down to Page 3 of 6. In the middle of the page, you will see boxes with surnames of Y-DNA related Y-DNA Septs: McCarthy, Crowley, Irwin, Donovan, Hayes, Hourihane & Regan. Thereafter follow the O'Ciarmacain box down to its terminal SNP of BY15518.
I (the author) belong to the following FAMILY TREE Y-DNA (FTDNA) Study groups which have all been most helpful in the study of my Y-DNA... I recommend that you join the appropriate FTDNA GROUP(S) as soon as you are adequately tested: Corca Laidhe... Eoghanacht Septs...Irwin Clan Surname...Munster Irish...R-L21 and Subdades, R1B - CTS 4466 Plus...Ui Fidhgeinte.
The Munster O’Ciarmacain Sept originated in County Limerick and are, according to their Y-DNA profile, of the Ui Fidhgeinte Haplogroup. For those interested in ancient genealogies Google etc. contains many such genealogies for the Ui Fidhgeinte lineage.
Phylogenetic Alignments with Genealogies of Descent from ailill olom – wordpress.com @ mccarthydna.files.wordpress.com. THIS IS A MUST VIEW.